Category: Mental Health

6 tips for getting rid of anxiety problems occasioned by Coronavirus

By bluedot,

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Here are 6 tips to take care of small anxiety attacks. We fully recommend seeing your mental health professional, but these are some good points to start from:

1. Accept anxiety as a feeling, like many others you have. Don’t ignore it, don’t hide it and don’t deny it. Be kind to yourself, let yourself be a human being.

2. Avoid talking continuously about this topic, panic generates more panic.

3. Keep an open perspective and try to see the good. Don’t let anxiety take the reins. Remember that is an emotion, like the others you feel, but it’s not everything. What has been happening since you started feeling like this? What’s been great? What things have happened that could lead you to differ good from bad thoughts.

4. Let nature surprise you. Even 5 minutes invested in valuing nature can help you reduce anxiety levels and lower blood pressure. It reminds us that we’re a part of something bigger than us and it increases our well-being.

5. Keep active. Even if you are doing home office, there are many ways to stay active every day. Exercise relaxes your body and frees your mind. If you can’t go out for a run or a walk with social distancing, consider having an exercise routine that you can find on the web, remember that it’s also important not trying to overachieve, or you could get injured, start with something you can do.

6. Avoid going constantly and repeatedly to the doctor so they rule out that you are not infected with the virus. Also, stop avoiding your schedule appointments because you are afraid you might be positive of the SARSCov2, struggling with your mind can deliver pathophobia the next time you visit a health center, that we can call “coronaphobia”.

Take one day at the time, rest, eat your vegetables and visit your mental health professional. Remember that it is important to keep informed and know all coronavirus symptoms don’t put you at risk.

If you need to talk to a mental health professional, login to your ZipDoctor profile and find the professional help you need.

See you at your next appointment![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]