Category: ZipDoctor

Whats to come for Health Care in 2021

By Brett McCormack,

Health care will be making some changes for 2021. And you can bet that a lot of them will be technology related. Because of the Covid pandemic, health care professionals have had to tweak the way they provide care. There is now a better line of communication and collaboration between health care professionals and patients. There are medical devices that are saving people’s lives. Most of the changes that have come about recently will likely stick. Here are some health care trends that will continue to be on the rise. 

Telemedicine is the becoming more and more well known in the medical field. In 2020, physicians were forced to start using this service more and more to consult with patients and other health care professionals.  Mental health care is taking a major shift and will be more accessible through on demand health care. These types of ailments include anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. The mental health care industry will be a driving force for virtual care in the upcoming year. On demand health care also allows doctors to be able to check in on their patients more frequently and in a more accessible manner. Patients who are dealing with chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease are now able to check in with their doctors more easily. There are devices and apps that have been designed that give doctors the chance to check in on their patients and their vitals such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels and oxygen levels. Being able to do this remotely will potential have lifesaving results.

Communication between doctors and patients and other health care facilities is giving people more access to information. Hospitals and doctor’s offices have been able to communicate within their locations, but now the door is opening even wider to communicate with others. Having access to specialized doctors without having to travel for a consult is life changing. Secure communication lines are allowing patients to have consults with doctors where it would otherwise be impossible. And doctors are able to communicate with other doctor’s as well to help come up with treatment plans and diagnosis for their patients. 

Technology is just becoming more and more accessible in our everyday lives. It is bringing so much good to the world. It is allowing those who are sick or afflicted to receive the medical care that they might not otherwise be able to get. It is revolutionary and it is saving lives.


How Health Care can be Virtual

By Brett McCormack,

Many people view health care as an in person, in office visit. You have to make an appointment to see a doctor and then wait in a waiting room with other patients until it is your time to be seen. On average, it can take 24 days for a new patient to see a doctor. How is this convenient? With different companies adapting and changing and making things more convenient for Americans, why has it taken our health care system so long to join on in the trend? Companies like Uber and Airbnb and Postmates are successful because they are solving real life problems. Well now the same applies to virtual healthcare. You wake up with a fever and a headache. Imagine being able to book an appointment with your doctor from your phone and be chatting with them in a matter of minutes. Sound too good to be true? Well it’s actually becoming a reality. 

How does it all work? On demand health care has apps and websites that are very easy to use. Through an app or website you are able to schedule a visit when it is convenient for you. You will list your current symptoms, medical history and insurance information at the time of booking. You then will meet virtually with a doctor who will assess your situation and provide you with a diagnosis. There will be a fee associated with the visit that you will be required to pay. And after the visit is concluded there will be a report or summary of what was discussed and recommended. 

There are many benefits to virtual care. The main benefit is the convenience factor. No more scheduling time off of work, finding babysitters, sitting in traffic. You can eliminate all of these stresses out of your life. You can sit in the comfort of your own home and wait for your appointment. Patients are less likely to visit Urgent Care Centers or Emergency Room’s, which frees up space for those who require in person care. Doctors are actually spending more time with their patients when they aren’t seeing them in office. They are able to discuss medical issues in depth and make sure they are providing you with the best care possible. And by doing virtual visits the doctors are actually doing virtual notes. This is getting rid of all the unnecessary paper work that can go into office visits. The administrative personnel’s burden is greatly reduced. It also allows doctors and health care providers to work supplemental hours. They are able to create their own schedule and work at times that best suite them. 


Revolutionizing the Medical Industry

By Brett McCormack,

Technology is helping revolutionize the medical industry. There is software that is easily accessible by patients, where doctors and patients are able to have easy access to their medical records. Health care facilities are becoming mobile friendly, and it is bound to only get better.  Telehealth is the distribution of health related services and information in electronic form and information and telecommunication technologies. The World Health Organization has said the following about telehealth-It is the delivery of health care services where patients and providers are separated by distance and using the ICT for the exchange of information for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries, research evaluation and for the continuing education of health care professionals. Telehealth is reducing the need for in person office visits while improving the patient’s access to receive medical care at a time that is more convenient for them. 

With online health care, patients and doctors are able to meet virtually and have a consultation or appointment. Health care providers are able to order clinical tests, issue a prescription and monitor any progress. So not only does online health care give patients more opportunities for medical care, but it is also beneficial for the health care workers. It allows them to be more proficient with their time and are able to see more patients in a given day. 

In order to accommodate the growing need for on demand health care, innovations will have to be made at health care facilities. In order to provide patients with the best possible care from the comfort of their own home, doctor’s offices and hospitals have had to invest in software and security protocols that will make sure their information is safe and secure. Most will have invested in a digital storage solution and are constantly looking for ways to upgrade their communication technology. Health care professionals have to ensure that they have reliable internet connection and have quality audio and visual equipment. 

When patients are being treated for an ongoing condition via technology, they will usually wear a device that will keep track of their vitals. This information is then sent directly to the doctor and eliminates the need for an in person visit. Many health care facilities are investing in wearable digital devices that are able to transfer information to their cloud service. All of these services are extremely beneficial for patients. Time is a valuable entity. With health care facilities being willing to invest in technology and making their online presence more available, they are showing just how much they value their patients and their patient’s time. 


Convenience of Virtual Medical Care

By Brett McCormack,

Now more than ever, mental health support is moving to an online platform. During the global pandemic patients were treated online, but even now when offices are opening back  up, patients are still choosing to continue their treatment online. As a result of the pandemic, much of the mental healthcare industry has moved towards an online platform. They feel that they will be better able to connect and treat their patients. People under the age of 44 were more inclined to participate in virtual mental healthcare. And about 50 percent of people being treated for mental health problems will choose to continue being treated through virtual care. There are many studies that have taken place during the pandemic, it has required the health care system to make some changes and look at how treatment options are being offered. And it is allowing medical workers and patients the opportunity to determine what mental and physical ailments are able to be treated virtually. 

Patients feel that being treated virtually has met or exceeded their expectations. And parents who had children being treated through online resources felt that their child’s sessions were very engaging and very helpful. Virtual visits seemed to be more helpful than telephone visits. Patients who reported using virtual visits compared to patients using the telephone were more likely to continue their virtual treatment. 

Convenience is probably the greatest factor when choosing to use virtual treatment. There are so many obstacles that can prevent patients from getting the treatment that they need. They could be lacking transportation, have an issue with child care, have a problem taking time off from work, they might be feeling exhausted or depressed, any one of these issues could prevent someone from actually going to a treatment session. Virtual visits have a much lower cancellation rate because there aren’t as many obstacles to overcome to actually make your appointment. 

There has not been a lot of good to come out of the pandemic. It is easy to see the strain it has taken on health care workers and people needing treatment. Health care will always be an in demand service. But now we are able to discover a better way to treat certain health issues. And help ease the burden for both providers and patients. Convenience is a number one priority in people’s lives. And we are finally realizing a way to make health care a little more convenient for everybody. 


Medical care wherever you need it, when you need it

By Brett McCormack,

We live in a world where so many things are available to us with the click of a button. Are you hungry? You can have food be delivered within 5 minutes. Want to watch a movie? Click here for an instant download. Want to plan and  go on a vacation? Click here to complete your reservations. Why should health care be any different? Wake up and you have a fever and an ear infection? Well too bad, you need to wait for your doctor’s office to open and see when they have an available time slot for you to fit in your schedule and wait for that time to come. But what if there was an instant click button that could connect you with a doctor when and where you want? With on demand health care this is a real option. With a few clicks you could be meeting virtually with a doctor who can help you start feeling better much quicker. On demand health care is a global health care revolution that allows consumers to get medical attention where and when they need it. 

On demand health care allows patients to connect with multiple health care providers through mobile apps, websites, and sometimes even home visits. On demand health care is beneficial in so many different aspects. With the national shortage of primary care physicians and specialists in our country, on top of that there are wait times at urgent care centers and hospitals that can be ridiculously long. It is no wonder that online health care is becoming more and more popular. Americans welcome having convenience in their lives. The ease of connecting with people virtually has been beneficial in many different industries. Now people are wanting the ease and convenience of being able to connect virtually with their medical professionals. 

Virtual visits are known to be quicker, provide patients with a greater access to different specialists, be able to skip the waiting room, where we all know germs are sitting and waiting to prey upon us. On demand health care is gaining a wide following from those who especially have grown up using technology. It also has been a huge relief for those who live busy lives as well. Which let’s face it, everyone these days have lives that are so busy and we are constantly running from here to there, trying to balance life between work life and family life. Then we have working parents who need to stay on top of their child’s health care while also trying to minimize the amount of time off from work, to individuals taking care of their own mental health and are able to schedule their visits during their lunch hour or work breaks. Or even the senior citizens who are no longer able to commute by themselves and have to rely on others, they now are able to maintain their health without having to inconvenience others or work around their schedule. 

A study conducted in 2016 from the Wall Street Journal stated that 60 percent of Americans were willing to use on demand health care. I am sure that the number today would be even higher. The technology capabilities that we have are amazing now days. We are able to keep a patient’s record privately and securely. Almost every household has some sort of option to connect virtually with an outside source. Technology is available pretty much everywhere that we look. It is an amazing time to be alive and benefit from all of the advancements that are being made and will continue to be made. 

Naturally on demand health care will not work for everyone in every situation. It is surely not appropriate for life threatening situations. It is geared more toward follow up appointments, mental health counseling, minor illnesses and injuries and some specialty care situations. It is best to use good judgement and come to understand just which situations would be best suited for virtual visits and ones that will obviously need in person care. Another factor to consider for on demand visits is they can be considerably less expensive. A virtual visit can about 40 percent of what an in person visit costs and 4 percent of a visit to the Emergency Room. An Urgent Care appointment can cost around $150 per patient; compare this to an on demand doctor who charges around $75 for a fifteen minute appointment. These costs will obviously vary from different insurance plans; these are just an average cost breakdown. On demand health care is very transparent and up front with their costs so that you will know exactly what you will be paying for and there won’t be any surprise bills that come in the mail. 

Some people fear that on demand health care is disrupting the medical industry. They fear it isn’t a traditional way to practice medicine. But the truth of the matter is, it is a great alternative to quick care for minor injuries and illnesses. It gives people an option to consider rather than only being given the choice of in person visits. The health care industry is needing to change with the needs and wants of their consumers. Just like other industries, the health care industry needs to be focused on their consumers’ needs and they need to consider changing the way that care can be given. Change doesn’t have to happen in a drastic way, obviously we still need medicine and doctors and machines and in person care. But there is definitely a shift happening that is allowing more care to be performed in people’s houses. While on demand health care is in the beginning forms of its starting period, it is already making great strides. Technology is advancing every day, and the medical field is no different. It will continue making more care available to those who need it and can’t get it. Virtual care is a great resource for those who aren’t able to travel to places where they need to get their medical care. 

Virtual Health Care

By Brett McCormack,

Does virtual care fall into the same category as telehealth? In this article we will discuss virtual care or on demand health care and help explain just what it is and how it works. We live in a time where we have the internet at our disposal 24/7. There are services and businesses that will deliver goods immediately and respond to you immediately. A recent survey conducted showed that 60 percent of American households that have access to the internet are interested in remote medical care that they could access either online or by a telephone. We want to have our health care professionals come to us, rather than us having to travel to them. This is what virtual care is all about. Having doctors, nurses and other health care professionals available to consult with us from the comfort of our own home. How will this change the health care industry and what exactly does it cover?

Virtual health care is where you have a visit virtually. This is done between patients and their health care providers through communication with technology. It can be a video or audio chat that allows appointments to be had in real time from any location. It can be a video visit between a doctor and a patient who is at their home. It could be where a patient is able to meet with a medical specialist who is offsite and they can have a conference video or chat with each party at their own location. Specialists are found all over the country, and in days passed, one would have to travel to have direct communication with different specialists. Now day’s specialists are able to consult on cases from all over via technology. Virtual healthcare allows patients to more easily get a second opinion on cases and medical conditions. 

There has been a form of virtual care that has been around for a while. These were mainly for the purpose of having meeting and consultations. They could also cover check ins and updates on status reports. Now they can also be used for in depth diagnosis and treatment plans. Virtual health care allows medical professionals to monitor medical situations and follow ups from procedure from those people who are located in a remote location. People with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension are able to be monitored from their home and have had a high success rate. In the past these types of illnesses have been shown to have repercussions from not getting the medical communication and information that is needed on a more consistent level. Hospitalizations have been more prevalent because it hasn’t been as easy to stay in communication with their health care professionals. Now with the click of the button these patients are able to communicate more frequently and are able to manage their disease more so that they can stay healthy for longer periods of time. 

Whenever a patient is treated remotely, it is referred to as telehealth, so it’s easy to see that virtual health care is often used simultaneously with telemedicine. But they are actually quite different. Virtual health care is a component of telehealth, but it has so much of a broader aspect associated with it. Telehealth is a category that provides service to patients from a distance. This could be doctors visiting people at a distance. It could mean doctor’s treating chronic condition and managing it. It could mean managing a high risk pregnancy. All of these conditions can be treated from a distance, so technically the doctors are doing it remotely. The technology associated with telehealth may include a telephone; it could be doing a video conference call. It could be any number of technology communication forms. But the main idea is that you are using technology to gather information and exchange that information with others. 

So as you can see, it can be confusing and easy to confuse the two methods of treatment. But the fact is, is that there is definitely a demand for virtual medical care. It can help lower out of pocket cost and help ease the burden of time and travel for patients. There are many areas throughout the country that are considered rural and small town. These types of areas struggle to attract doctors and nurses. So especially in these types of areas where travel would be necessary for patients, virtual care is welcome and accepted. It takes a lot of strain off people who don’t have close access to medical professionals. 

It has also been shown that people actually have a higher satisfaction rating while using virtual care. There is 97 percent satisfaction rate among patients. And 74 percent of people have stated that they feel their relationship with their health care provider has actually improved since using virtual care. People are able to connect with their providers more regularly and actually build a relationship with them. They feel comfortable talking to their doctors and nurses. They don’t feel like virtual visits are as much as an inconvenience. They are more willing to make those appointments to discuss conditions or issues that they aren’t quite sure need immediate medical attention but would rather be safe than sorry. It helps start the conversation of what may be going on. Plus if it really isn’t a medical issue they need to be concerned about, no one is upset because of the time and money it took to actually go visit a doctor. Most patients are able to take care of their medical issues virtually. This helps free up the space and medical equipment at hospitals and doctors’ offices for those who can’t be treated virtually. 

Virtual healthcare is here to help improve your quality of life. It helps create relationships between doctors and patients. It helps patients schedule their appointments in a more efficient time frame that fits into their lives. We live in a busy world where people are constantly on the go. It is easier to stay on top of your medical issues when you are able to take your appointments at your convenience. 

Health care changing with the times

By Brett McCormack,

Our world is constantly changing, from global warming, to pandemics, pollution crises, to rioting and so much more. People’s lives are being affected by all of these day to day challenges. Then add on top of that people’s unhealthy lifestyles, including not getting enough exercise and eating fast food in way excessive amounts. The need for medical care is constantly growing. Hospitals are having difficulties being able to keep up with the amount of people that need medical care. Especially during global pandemic is where we have seen hospitals hit the worst. People are avoiding hospitals because they are worried if they will be able to receive the care that they need, or if the hospital will have room for them, or how long will they have to wait to even see a health care worker. Maybe they don’t think they are really sick enough to travel to a health care facility. Maybe they think they can just self-medicate at home. Self-medication is actually one of the most dangerous and often fatal remedies a person can try. Now enter the world of technology that we live in. People use technology every day and our lives are greatly improved because of it. The health care industry is expanding its footprint into the online world and on demand healthcare is becoming more and more relevant in people’s lives. 

There are many parts of the country where accessing a health care facility can be quite challenging. They may require a fair amount of travel time, and some people do not have that extra time in their days to allow for that. In the past, when a patient would require care that was a fair distance from their residency, they would either have to plan for the travel time, see if there were health care professionals who would do in home visits, or schedule a telephone call. With the technology that we have now, this industry is being revolutionized through software programs, allowing more and more people to have access to health care. 

On demand healthcare is now available through apps on mobile devices. When using a designated app, you are using a platform that is acting as a service provider and will establish a contact between a qualified health care professional and a patient. Most apps will also allow patients to reach out to a doctor on demand anytime and anywhere they may need it. On demand healthcare literally makes medical care and advice available at your fingertips. With a few clicks and swipes, you are seeking medical treatment in a way that has never been given before.

The on demand apps for health care have many benefits for the patients. It allows patients to find medical assistance from someone who is available quickly and for a reasonable cost. Some of the key feature within these apps includes the following. There will be news feeds and articles related to the medical field. There will be up to date information about medicine, medical procedures, medical tools, etc. This part of the app is mainly used for those who are studying medicine. Professionals use this information to stay up to date with the latest medical trends. There will be an area that allows patients to search for a medical service provider. It will pull up the closest hospitals or doctors that are nearby their location. This is especially helpful in emergency situations that immediate attention is required. Within the app is the ability to read barcodes and QR codes. This will help display information regarding medicine. It can help find prices, expiration dates, treatments and side effects. Some patients may require a daily monitoring. There is a feature within these apps that will allow patients to keep track of their diet and meal plans, exercise routines and much more. Patients will be able to set daily alarms to remind them to take their medication that is needed. By being able to record all of this information within the app, it allows the communication between the patient and doctor to be much more concise and allow both parties to see how protocols and requests are being followed. 

There are so many good benefits of using on demand health care and the app that goes along with it. It is becoming so beneficial to patients and hospitals. The biggest benefit is instant medical service. Patients are able to access medical advice at any time. Doctors are able to share information and discuss any precautions that are associated with their medical emergencies with their patients. It is so much easier to schedule an appointment for on demand health care. Patients are able to pick a time slot that works for them. There is more flexibility because patients are able to take the medical visit whenever and wherever is convenient for them. Hospitals and doctors’ offices that are doing on demand healthcare are helping to enhance their brand. People are all about convenience and ease in their lives. If they are able to schedule visits on their time, it will make them more loyal to their provider.  If a patient is having an emergency, it is easier to connect with a hospital that is close by. It is also faster to get immediate assistance to determine what medical care needs to be done.  The fact of the matter is that using on demand health care is just easier. It is more convenient, it is easier for patients to engage with their doctors. It is easier for doctors to communicate with their patients as well. It can be safer for people to attend to their medical needs from the comfort of their own home, rather than risking going out and coming into contact with other people. 

Hospital and doctor’s offices can both use on demand health care. The benefits of having a mobile app will greatly help patients and doctors connect. Not all on demand health care systems will run the same, but there are the basic needs and services that will be offered, and I am sure we will be impressed with how far it will go in the future. 

Virtual Mental Health Care

By Brett McCormack,

Mental health is a major issue in the United States. 60 percent of young people with major depression aren’t being treated for their mental health according to a study done in 2017 and 2018. And 25 percent of adults with mental illness aren’t being treated for their illness as well. 55 percent of counties in America don’t even have a psychiatrist, social worker or psychologist. And 70 percent don’t have a child psychiatrist either. Treatment facilities for those struggling with substance abuse can be weeks out. And in a study done in 2017, 70 percent of people who needed treatment for substance abuse weren’t able to get it. And now we are experiencing a global pandemic, where mental illnesses are at all an all-time high, and there are practices that are being forced to close or reduce their capacity and hours because of health concerns. It doesn’t make sense that when mental help is needed the most, people aren’t able to get the treatment they need. 

There is one good thing that is happening as a result of the pandemic, and that is that virtual care and digital tools are becoming more and more prevalent in the health industry. These are more important than ever right now to help support existing care and be able to treat new patients. On demand health care can offer video and audio office visits to those who aren’t able to attend in person treatment. This allows people to have a better match for their mental healthcare treatment and can help the supply and demand problem because of the ability to have different times and geographic location opportunities. There is also the option of asynchronous text messaging, which allows patients to text a coach or clinician at any time and the response will come at a later time. 

Mental health care is becoming very innovative. They are combining digital tools with their virtual care to create a system plan for patients. They also have a method that will help patients know when they might need to have in person care for their needs to be met. This allows the mental health care workers to have solutions and be flexible while they are treating their patients and be as convenient and flexible as possible. Because of this, businesses that offer their employees’ health care plans are now offering them virtual and digital options for the mental health care. 

So how would treating a mental illness on demand work? Are digital services and virtual care effective? In 2016 there was a study completed that showed a high rate of satisfaction among mental health patients that showed they were satisfied with their on demand care in comparison to their in person care. The Veterans Administrations completed a study in 2020 that showed video chat health care was as effective as in person visits for those who were being treated for depression, obsessive compulsive disorders and anxiety. 

There has also been great feedback and response to services that are part of the on demand service, such as video instruction, content libraries and exercises. These digital programs are as effective as in person programs that treat insomnia, anxiety and depression. There are on demand support programs that can help patients address their needs and illness. They cover such things as mild depression and anxiety. Through apps and online accounts patients are able to text and communicate with trained coaches and therapists. Therapists are able to focus on their patient’s needs, including stress management, how to achieve their goals and manage the stress and triggers in their life. 

On demand care is revolutionizing the mental health care industry. It is allowing patients to schedule their time when it is convenient for them. It is beneficial for the therapist as well. It allows them to lower their overhead cost, sometimes they don’t even need to have an office location. Therapists are able to have a wider reach of space to their patients. 

Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, the use of on demand health care is increasing at a high rate. With lock downs that have been put in place at times, it has forced people to continue their care by moving away from the in person visits. There have been clinics that have steered clear of virtual care, but because of the changes that have occurred; they find themselves doing on demand health care as well. But even with on virtual visits, it is still important to make sure that both sides are working hard to maintain the relationship and continue building and learning new coping mechanisms. There are so many useful digital tools that are available for patients. Many people are having huge success with virtual care. Therapists are able to meet the mental health needs of their patients.

While on demand mental health care is a little more convenient and more accessible for some people, it is important to remember that virtual care isn’t for everyone. There will still be some situations that will require in person care. Emergency situations will still arise, and virtual care will not be an option. In a recent study conducted, 46 percent of people being treated for a mental illness would rather be treated virtually than in person. And there are still communities and families that may have a negative stigma regarding mental health care, and this is where on demand care is especially helpful because people are able to get the help they need and require without feeling like they are being discriminated against. 

Since going through this global pandemic, more and more people are realizing just how important mental health care is. The industry is changing. By having mental health care being available through digital technology, we are throwing a life line to those who are struggling with their mental health. If we can continue to more forward and offer digital tools and virtual care, we will be able to improve the access to those needing help. These tools will allow the mental health needs of Americans to be met and be more successful than ever.

Online doctors still comply with HIPAA

By Brett McCormack,

Technology is improving our lives every day. Many of us rely on it for our day to day activities. We live in a time where we are focused on the here and now. We want results from things and we want them now. And thanks to technology those demands can often be met. We are now able to be in contact with our health care professionals through technology. There are many benefits for consulting with an online doctor to get the health care that we require.

The first is the obvious, that there is no need to travel. Obviously going to a doctor’s office would require traveling. So not only are you saving time with not having to travel, but you are also saving on the cost of traveling. You don’t have to leave your seat to be able to speak with a doctor. You are able to have contact right from the comfort of your own home.

You will be able to get a more accurate diagnosis. We have all searched out WebMD before to see what our symptoms are and what our possible diagnosis is. However, we are not doctors and did not go to medical school, so chances are the diagnosis is probably not very accurate. But that if you connect with your doctor and let them know your symptoms they will stand a much better chance of diagnosing your situation and making a plan to get healthy.

This type of visit will actually be saving you money. Studies have shown that it could save a person up to $88 a visit each time you visit with a doctor. Even if you don’t have health insurance, online medical doctors are a more cost effective option. Because it is more cost effective, it allows people to seek out the medical attention they need during those uncertain times where we aren’t sure if we are really symptomatic or not. 

You will have a secure network and maintain privacy as you would in a doctor’s office. These offices use a secure system and server that allows all of your information to remain safe and secure. Anything you discuss with your doctor will remain confidential. Online doctors still comply with HIPAA and that will ensure you that your medical information is safe. 

The comfort and convenience of an online doctor are a huge benefit. Most online doctors are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Health issues don’t always come about during regular business hours. In fact, most circumstances happen after hours. Then we are forced to wait until a clinic can open up if we don’t want to go to the emergency room. But with the easily accessible online doctors, you can make an appointment whenever the need arises. These doctors will be able to fit into your busy schedule. 

With experiencing this global pandemic right now, perhaps the most valuable benefit of online doctors is avoiding the risk of infection from a doctor’s office. Doctor’s offices have waiting rooms that people are residing in, and germs can be everywhere. But when you are having a consultation from your own home, you are avoiding all the germs. When immune systems are compromised, it is better to avoid places where sick people may congregate. 

Online medical care can be very useful to help keep up your health. The doctors are there to give you the support and advice that they can. It is a very beneficial way to receive the health care that you need. 

Today people are obsessed with convenience.

By Brett McCormack,

Today people are obsessed with convenience. How can I make my life easier? We can order groceries without even stepping in the store, Amazon allows us to have products in 2 days’ time, and we can stream show and movies instantly to our devices. Did you know that seeing a doctor can be as simple as those things? Virtual visits are allowing health care to be more convenient. We can now talk to doctors through smartphones, computers, tablets, etc. without ever having to step foot in a doctor’s office. 

Virtual visits won’t be able to care for all types of ailments, some will require in person care. But certain health issues are easily treated virtually. They include allergies, bladder infections, bronchitis, coughing, fever, sinus problems, migraines and headaches, rashes, bug bites, pink eye, diarrhea, sore throats, the flu and stomachaches. Studies have shown that virtual visits have saved consumers more than an hour or their time. Virtual visits also will cost the consumer way less than a trip to urgent care or the emergency room. 

Another benefit of virtually connecting is being able to show your health care provider just what medications and supplements you are taking. How many of us have been in the doctor’s office to forget or not be able to pronounce the medication we are currently taking. If you are meeting with your doctor virtually you will be able to actually show the doctor everything you are taking and any equipment you may be using. 

Before you connect online with your provider, there are few helpful hints that will make your visit go more smoothly. Make sure that you are using the right equipment. You will need to have a video component. Some providers will require you to download an app that will allow for a secure connection. Make sure that your internet connection is working properly, the stronger the signal the better connection you will have. Verify with your insurance company that your session will be covered. It is helpful if you are sitting in a quiet and well-lit place. The fewer the distractions the better. Use headphone or earbuds, it can make it much easier to hear and understand the doctor. It also will help keep your conversation more private. Prepare for your visit by listing any issues you wish to discuss with your doctor so that you can stay focused and remember everything you planned on discussing on the visit. Be patient and realize that technology can be unreliable. Screens might freeze or calls might be dropped, just realize that everyone and everything is working as hard as they can to ensure the call goes smoothly.

Connecting virtually with a doctor can vary greatly depending on the need and specialty. Surgeons might use this type of visit to do a post-op check in to see how things are going after surgery. Gynecologists might use this type of service to discuss birth control options. Endocrinologist may use this method to discuss lab results and answer relevant questions. It is actually amazing how much health care can be provided through a virtual visit. Gone are the days where you have to visit a doctor for every ailment. Now days we have the option to connect virtually with a healthcare provider and get just the same if not even better quality treatment.